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Units by Title: S
- Safety Technology 582
- Sales 391
- Sales Management 330
- Sales Management 430
- Satellite and Space Geodesy 381
- Satellite Navigation and Hydrography 482
- Satellite Positioning 681
- Scenarios and Strategy 503
- School Health Promotion 693
- Science Communication (Academic and Professional) 111
- Science Communications 101
- Science Foundations 011
- Science Honours Dissertation 401
- Science Literature Review 401
- Science Research Project Design 401
- Science Research Statistics 402
- Science Seminar 402
- Science Study Skills 011
- Science Study Skills 101
- Scientific Communication 102
- Scientific Computing 201
- Scientific Data Acquisition 201
- Scientific Data Acquisition 202
- Scientific Data Analysis 101
- Scientific Data Analysis 301
- Scientific Data Analysis 302
- Scientific Photography 101
- Scientific Photography 201
- Seafood Business Studies 302
- Seafood Business Studies 502
- Seafood Hygiene and Microbiology 202
- Seafood Technology 301
- Seafood Technology 311
- Seafood Technology 501
- Security Technology 101
- Seniors Health Promotion 688
- Sensory Evaluation 502
- Sensory Evaluation 202
- Sensory Evaluation 302
- Services for the Elderly 502
- Services Information Management 200
- Services Information Management 561
- Services Management 305
- Set Design 291
- Settings in Health Promotion 383
- Sexology 350
- Sexology 353
- Sexology 450
- Sexology 453
- Sexology 650
- Sexology 651
- Sexology 652
- Sexology 653
- Sexology Dissertation 650
- Sexology Research 650
- Sexually Transmissible Infection and HIV - International Perspectives 601
- Sheep Production 302
- Ship Design 402
- Ship Dynamics 402
- Ship Performance 401
- Ship Science 202
- Signal Processing 204
- Signal Processing Methods (UWA)
- Simulation 604
- Site Planning 212
- Small Business 200
- Small Business 300
- Small Business 560
- Small Business Facilitation 561
- Small Business Facilitation Practicum 562
- Small Business Growth 501
- Small Business Growth 502
- SMEC 501 - Foundations and Issues
- SMEC 502 - Research and Evaluation
- SMEC 503 - Biology Education
- SMEC 504 - Chemistry Education
- SMEC 505 - Computer Education
- SMEC 506 - Integrated Science Education
- SMEC 507 - Mathematics Education
- SMEC 508 - Physics Education
- SMEC 509 - Technology Education
- SMEC 513(S) - Trends and Developments
- SMEC 541 - Primary Science Education
- SMEC 551 - Teaching Middle School Mathematics I
- SMEC 552 - Teaching Middle School Mathematics II
- SMEC 555 - Learning Technologies for Teachers I
- SMEC 556 - Learning Technologies for Teachers II
- SMEC 591(M) - Mathematics Education Project 1
- SMEC 591(S) - Science Education Project
- SMEC 592(M) - Mathematics Education Project 2
- SMEC 592(S) - Science Education Project
- SMEC 595 - Contemporary Mathematics
- SMEC 611 - Learning in Science and Mathematics
- SMEC 612 - Curricula in Science and Mathematics
- SMEC 613 - Supervising Science and Mathematics
- SMEC 620 - Gender Issues
- SMEC 621 - Contemporary Issues in Science
- SMEC 622 - Classroom Climate
- SMEC 624 - Evaluation Issues
- SMEC 625 - Multimedia in Science and Mathematics Education
- SMEC 626 - Information Technology, Science and Society
- SMEC 627 - Introductory Research Methods
- SMEC 657 - Technology in the Classroom
- SMEC 691(M) - Mathematics Education Project
- SMEC 691(S) - Science Education Project
- SMEC 692(M) - Mathematics Education Project
- SMEC 692(S) - Science Education Project
- SMEC 693 - Special Topics
- SMEC 694 - Special Topics
- SMEC 695 - Special Topics
- SMEC 696 - Special Topics B
- SMEC 701 - Teaching and Learning
- SMEC 702 - Learning Environments
- SMEC 703 - Science, Mathematics and Technology Curricula
- SMEC 704 - The Inclusive Curriculum (Gender Issues)
- SMEC 706 - Constructivism
- SMEC 707 - Leadership and Professional Development
- SMEC 708 - Educational Technology and Computing
- SMEC 709 - Advanced Research Methodology
- SMEC 710 - Special Topics A
- SMEC 711 - Special Topics B
- SMEC 712 - Assessment and Evaluation
- SMEC 713 - Information Systems and Computing Education
- SMEC 714 - Using Multimedia and the Internet in Science Education
- SMEC 727 - Research Methods for Science and Mathematics Education
- Social Administration 301
- Social Administration 502
- Social Gerontology 492
- Social History 111 - Social Welfare History, Australia and Great Britain
- Social Organisation 283
- Social Organisation 284
- Social Policy 303
- Social Policy 402
- Social Policy 501 - Social Policy in Australia
- Social Policy 502 - Social Policy Practice
- Social Policy 503
- Social Policy 504 - Comparative and Global Perspectives on Social Policy
- Social Policy 505 - Theoretical Perspectives on Social Policy
- Social Policy 507 - Economic Foundations of Social Policy
- Social Policy 601- Research Project
- Social Policy 602 - Social Policy Practice
- Social Policy 603: Independent Study
- Social Policy 604 - Comparative and Global Perspectives on Social Policy
- Social Policy and Welfare 101
- Social Science 390
- Social Science 411
- Social Science 412
- Social Science 490
- Social Science 491
- Social Work 521- The Global Environment
- Social Work 522 - Social Development
- Social Work 523 - International Social Development
- Social Work 595 - Community Development
- Social Work 661 - Gender and International Development
- Social Work 663 - Advanced Mediation Practice
- Social Work 664 - Narrative in Practice
- Social Work 665 - Social Demography
- Social Work 693 - Project
- Social Work 695 - Project (Counselling)
- Socially Relevant Contexts 663
- Sociocultural Perspectives on Health 132
- Sociology 111 - Social Construction of Identity - Introduction to Doing Sociology
- Sociology 112 - Australian Society in the Global Economy
- Sociology 113 - Social Construction of Identity - Introduction to Doing Sociology
- Sociology 114 - Australian Society in the Global Economy
- Sociology 211 - Social Change, Globalisation and Uneven Development
- Sociology 212 - Sociology of Asian Media, Culture and Society
- Sociology 214 - Sociology of the Family - Challenges, Changes and the Family
- Sociology 215 - Sociology of Deviance, Normality and Social Control
- Sociology 216 - Demography - Population and Social Development
- Sociology 217 - Sociology of Health and Fitness
- Sociology 218 - Sociology of Youth - Culture, Identity and Conflict
- Sociology 221 - Sociology of Organisation, Bureaucracy and Corporations
- Sociology 222 - Sociology of Community and Environment
- Sociology 223 - Sociology of the Arts - Arts, Institutions and the State
- Sociology 224 - Sociology of Human Futures, Society and Technological Change
- Sociology 225 - Sociology of Media and Communications - Institutions, Texts, Audiences
- Sociology 226 - Sociology of Education - Education, Society and the State
- Sociology 235 - Sociology of Gender - Society, Institutions and Gender Debates
- Sociology 291 - Special Topics
- Sociology 292 - Special Topics
- Sociology 311 - Social Change, Globalisation and Uneven Development
- Sociology 312 - Sociology of Asian Media, Culture and Society
- Sociology 314 - Sociology of the Family - Challenges, Changes and the Family
- Sociology 315 - Sociology of Deviance, Normality and Social Control
- Sociology 316 - Demography - Population and Social Development
- Sociology 317 - Sociology of Health and Fitness
- Sociology 318 - Sociology of Youth - Culture, Identity and Conflict
- Sociology 321 - Sociology of Organisation, Bureaucracy and Corporations
- Sociology 322 - Sociology of Community and Environment
- Sociology 323 - Sociology of the Arts - Arts, Institutions and the State
- Sociology 324 - Sociology of Human Futures, Society and Technological Change
- Sociology 325 - Sociology of Media and Communications - Institutions, Texts, Audiences
- Sociology 326 - Sociology of Education - Education, Society and the State
- Sociology 335 - Sociology of Gender - Society, Institutions and Gender Debates
- Sociology 351 - Special Topics
- Sociology 352 - Special Topics
- Sociology 391 - Special Topics
- Sociology 392 - Special Topics
- Soft Systems Thinking 506
- Software Design 301
- Software Engineering 104 (UWA)
- Software Engineering 204
- Software Engineering 251
- Software Engineering 252
- Software Engineering 351
- Software Engineering 501
- Software Engineering 502
- Software Engineering 551
- Software Engineering 602
- Software Engineering 651
- Software Engineering Design 200 (UWA)
- Software Engineering Project 351
- Software Engineering Project 352
- Software Engineering Project 451
- Software Engineering Project 452
- Software Engineering Tools and Metrics 352
- Software Engineering Tools and Metrics 551
- Software Engineering Tools and Metrics 651
- Software Modelling and Analysis 351
- Software Security 303
- Software Security 503
- Software Security 603
- Software Technology 151
- Software Technology 152
- Software Technology 501
- Software Technology 502
- Soils and Land Use 500
- Solid Modelling 292
- Solid State 501
- Solid State 601
- Solid State Physics 302
- Solid State Physics 401
- Solid State Physics 402
- Solid State Physics 501
- Spatial Algorithms 182
- Spatial Analysis 281
- Spatial Analysis 581
- Spatial Computations 181
- Spatial Computations 182
- Spatial Computations 581
- Spatial Computations 582
- Spatial Data Handling 382
- Spatial Data Handling 582
- Spatial Data Processing 181
- Spatial Data Processing 182
- Spatial Database Systems 382
- Spatial Database Systems 582
- Spatial Modelling 382
- Spatial Modelling 582
- Spatial Science Topics 481
- Spatial Science Topics 482
- Spatial Science Topics 681
- Spatial Science Topics 682
- Special Topics in Food Science and Technology 580
- Special Topics in History (Murdoch)
- Special Topics in Public Health 781
- Specialised Infection Control 632
- Speech and Hearing Science 270
- Speech and Hearing Science 670
- Speech Science and Data Analysis 272
- Spelling Development and Disorders 511
- Sport and the Media 552
- Sports Administration 102
- Sports Administration 200
- Sports Administration 300
- Sports Administration 580
- Sports Administration 581
- Sports Administration 582
- Sports Administration Law 584
- Sports Administration Law 585
- Sports Clinic 651
- Sports Clinic 652
- Sports Clinic 751
- Sports Clinic 752
- Sports Clinical Practice 750
- Sports Marketing 241
- SS 521 - Topics in Sustainability Studies
- SS 541 - Sustainability Studies Practicum
- SS 542 - Sustainability Studies Practicum
- SS 561 - Sustainability Studies (Environmental)
- SS 562 - Sustainability Studies (Regional)
- SS 563 - Sustainability Studies (Rural)
- SS 564 - Sustainability Studies (Urban)
- SS 570 - International Relations (World Current Trends)
- SS 571 - International Relations (Understanding Security in the 21st Century)
- SS 572 - International Relations (Europe's Place in the International System)
- SS 573 - International Relations (Asia-Pacific)
- SS 574 - International Relations (Political Economy)
- SS 576 - International Relations (Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms)
- SS 577 - International Relations (International Civil Law)
- SS 578 - International Relations (Eurasian Studies)
- SS 580 - International Relations (Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan)
- SS 581 - International Relations (Ethnopolitical Movements)
- SS 582 - International Relations (The Cultural Contexts of Crime)
- SS 583 - International Relations (Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf)
- SS 584 - International Relations (Strategic Geography)
- SS 585 - International Relations (Regional Study)
- SS 590 - Individual Project
- SS 690 - Advanced Individual Project
- SS 691 - Advanced Individual Project
- Statistical Data Analysis 402
- Statistical Data Analysis 674
- Statistical Inference 301
- Statistical Methods 102
- Statistical Methods 201
- Statistical Methods 560
- Statistical Methods in Medical Engineering (ECU)
- Statistics (Introductory) 550
- Statistics 121
- Statistics 501
- Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 101
- Statutory Valuation 307
- Statutory Valuation 550
- Stimulation Technology 617
- Stochastic Financial Modelling 403
- Stochastic Financial Modelling 503
- Stochastic Processes 401
- Stochastic Processes 403
- Stochastic Processes 501
- Stochastic Processes for Telecommunications Systems 601
- Strategic Alignment of Information Systems 401
- Strategic Alignment of Information Systems 601
- Strategic Business Planning 650
- Strategic Cost Management 660
- Strategic Customer Leadership 610
- Strategic Games 201
- Strategic Human Resource Development 650
- Strategic Information Management 660
- Strategic Logistics Management 302
- Strategic Logistics Management 502
- Strategic Management (Alliances, Partnerships and Networks) 562
- Strategic Management 313
- Strategic Management for Leaders 610
- Strategic Marketing 310
- Strategic Marketing 563
- Strategic Planning 412
- Strategic Planning 512
- Strategic Planning for Nursing 365
- Strategic Procurement 302
- Strategic Procurement 502
- Strategies for Web Site Management 601
- Strength of Materials 231
- Structural Analysis 365
- Structural Bioinformatics 332
- Structural Design 266
- Structural Design 365
- Structural Design 366
- Structural Engineering 162
- Structural Engineering 261
- Structural Engineering 461
- Structural Engineering 462
- Structural Materials 261
- Structure of Materials 511
- Structure of Materials 512
- Structure of Matter 102
- Structure of Solids 102
- Structure of Solids 201
- Structures 141
- Structures 142
- Studio 191
- Studio 192
- Studio 291
- Studio 292
- Studio 391
- Studio 392
- Study Tour 290
- Study Tour 390
- Substance Misuse 561
- Superannuation and Retirement Planning 321
- Superannuation and Retirement Planning 521
- Superannuation and Retirement Planning 621
- Supervision and Self Awareness 524
- Supply Chain Information Management 302
- Surburban Analysis 111
- Survey Computations 185
- Survey Law/Ethics/Practice 481
- Survey Network Analysis and Design 481
- Survey Network Analysis and Design 682
- Surveying 141
- Surveying 682
- Surveying Honours Dissertation 499
- Surveying Project 494
- Surveying/Mapping Project 690
- Surveying/Mapping Project 692
- Survival Analysis 301
- Sustainable Agronomic Systems 301
- Sustainable Agronomic Systems 501
- Sustainable Production and Consumption 301
- Sustainable Production and Consumption 311
- SW 111- Introduction to Social Work
- SW 121 - Introduction to Welfare
- SW 122 - Practice Models 1
- SW 124 - Communication Skills
- SW 126 - Introduction to Social Work Context and Practice
- SW 127 - Practice Methods in Social Work
- SW 221 - Practice Models 2
- SW 231- Statutory Work
- SW 262 - Fieldwork Practice 1
- SW 265 - Field Practice 1
- SW 321 - Critical Reflective Praxis
- SW 322 - Community Social Work
- SW 324 - Advanced Practice
- SW 399 - Honours Research
- SW 422 - Contemporary Social Work
- SW 463 - Field Practice 2
- SW 465 - Honours Field Practicum
- SW 467 - Field Practice 2
- SW 490 - Option 1
- SW 492 - Option 2
- SW 499 - Honours Dissertation
- SW 534 - Advanced Practice - Reflexivity in Practice
- SW 601 - Introduction to Community
- SW 603 - Conceptualising Community
- SW 604 - Human Rights and Ethics
- SW 694 - Research Project
- SW 696 - Globalisation and Conflict Transformation
- SW 697 - Independent Study
- SW 698 - Independent Study
- Switching Systems 611
- System Safety 592
- Systems Administration 302
- Systems Analysis 501
- Systems Development 302
- Systems Development 501
- Systems Development 503
- Systems for Managing Health and Illness in Australia 201
- Systems Implementation 201
- Systems Implementation 204
- Systems Implementation 501
- Systems Implementation 502
- Systems Modelling 102
- Systems Programming 362
- Systems Programming and Design 251
- Systems Programming and Design 361
- Systems Programming and Design 551
- Systems Programming and Design 561
- Systems Programming and Design 661
- Systems Reliability 225
- Systems Theory and Control 302
