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Units by Title
A Aboriginal Art 218 to Aviation Systems 151
B Bank Lending 306 to Business Valuation 550
C Cancer Control 286 to Cytogenetics 232
D Dairy and Eggs Post Harvest Science 284 to Dynamics of Populations 201
E East Asian Socio-linguistics 219 to Export Marketing 566
F Facilitation and Group Process Skills 565 to Futures Project Research 694
G Gender Issues in Health 681 to Groups Counselling 502
H Haematology 231 to Hypertext 312
I IA Project Research and Development 421 to Issues in Urban Design 502
J Japanese 111 to Journalism 598 - Studio Production and Presentation
K Knowledge Based Systems 652 to Korean 518
L Laboratory Control of Hospital Infection 632 to Logistics Information Systems 502
M Machine Perception 362 to Museum Studies (ECU)
N Nanochemistry 301 to Nutritional Status 381
O Object Orientated Programming 224 (UWA) to Our Internal Internet - Its Structure and Function 304
P Paediatric Nursing 551 to Purchasing and Supply Management 302
Q Qualitative Methods in Health Research 582 to Queuing Theory And Applications 401
R Radiation Physics 201 to Rural Video and TV 401
S Safety Technology 582 to Systems Theory and Control 302
T Talking Across Cultures 302 to Twentieth Century Development in Interiors 321
U Understanding Dying 260 to Urban Regeneration 311
V Valuation 392 to Viticulture Resource Management 501
W WASM Advanced Industrial Minerals 602 to World Englishes 502