| |
Units by Title: H
- Haematology 231
- Haematology 232
- Haematology 331
- Hatchery Technology 202
- Hatchery Technology 502
- Healing Art Processes 512
- Health and Safety 282
- Health and Safety 384
- Health and Safety and Economics 582
- Health and Safety and Industrial Relations 581
- Health and Safety Economics 381
- Health and Safety Law 282
- Health and Safety Law 582
- Health and Safety Management 282
- Health and Safety Technology 382
- Health and Safety Technology in Mining 581
- Health and Safety Technology in Mining 582
- Health and Society 180
- Health and Wellness 501
- Health Assessment 261
- Health Care Systems 385
- Health Care Systems 681
- Health Concepts in Family Care 315
- Health Contract 590
- Health Economics 503
- Health Economics 584
- Health Economics 601
- Health Economics 602
- Health Economics and Planning 202
- Health Economics Research Project 603
- Health Economics Research Project Introduction 603
- Health Ethics 188
- Health Information Management Honours Dissertation 499
- Health Information Management Honours Seminar 481
- Health Information Management Honours Seminar 482
- Health Information Systems 283
- Health Planning and Evaluation 582
- Health Policy and Management 782
- Health Practice Administration 383
- Health Project 590
- Health Promotion - International Perspectives 682
- Health Promotion - International Perspectives 700
- Health Promotion 180
- Health Promotion Honours Dissertation 498
- Health Promotion Honours Dissertation 499
- Health Promotion Honours Seminar 481
- Health Promotion Honours Seminar 482
- Health Promotion Methods 285
- Health Promotion Methods 387
- Health Promotion Methods 682
- Health Promotion Methods 683
- Health Promotion Planning 381
- Health Promotion Planning 681
- Health Promotion Planning 781
- Health Promotion Professional Practice 686
- Health Promotion Strategies and Methods 789
- Health Promotion, Media and Advocacy 382
- Health Promotion, Media and Advocacy 680
- Health Record Systems 180
- Health Record Systems 181
- Health Record Systems 182
- Health Record Systems 281
- Health Record Systems 282
- Health Record Systems 381
- Health Record Systems 382
- Health Research Methods 481
- Health Research Methods 681
- Health Research Methods 781
- Health Science Communication 180
- Health Science Honours Dissertation 499
- Health Science Project/Practicum 697
- Health Science Project/Practicum 698
- Health Services Bioethics 684
- Health Services Law and Ethics 584
- Health Services Management 584
- Health Services Management 585
- Health Services Quality Development 583
- Health, Safety and Environment 610
- Health, Safety and Hygiene 382
- Health, Stress and the Management Environment 682
- Heat Transfer 332
- Heat Transfer 431
- Herbal Remedies 529
- Heritage Specialism 591
- Heritage Specialism 592
- Heritage Studies (Built Environment Management) 500
- Heritage Studies (Built Environment) 411
- Heritage Studies (Cultural Heritage Management) 511
- Heritage Studies (Exhibition Development) 416
- Heritage Studies (Exhibition Development) 516
- Heritage Studies (Local History) 412
- Heritage Studies (Local History) 512
- Heritage Studies (Museology) 415
- Heritage Studies (Museology) 515
- Heritage Studies (Placement) 518
- Heritage Studies (Placement) 519
- Heritage Studies (Protecting Heritage Places) 413
- Heritage Studies (Protecting Heritage Places) 513
- Heritage Studies (Visual Images) 414
- Heritage Studies (Visual Images) 517
- Heritage Studies 111
- Heritage Studies 112
- Heritage Studies 113
- Heritage Studies 114
- Heritage Studies 212
- Heritage Studies 213
- Heritage Studies 214
- Heritage Studies 216
- Heritage Studies 313
- Heritage Studies 314
- Heritage Studies 691 (Heritage Management)
- Heritage Studies 692 (Museology)
- Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation 492
- Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation 494
- Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation Preparation 491
- Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation Preparation 493
- Heritage Studies Honours Project 492
- Heritage Studies Honours Project 494
- Heritage Studies Honours Project Preparation 491
- Heritage Studies Honours Project Preparation 493
- Histology 231
- Histology 232
- Histology Theory and Applications 201
- Histopathological Specimen Prosection 501
- Histopathology 231
- Histopathology 232
- Histopathology 331
- Historical Influences on Wine Business 501
- History 111 - History of India in the 17th Century
- History 112 - The Modern World - The Rise and Fall of British Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 113 - History of India in the 17th Century
- History 114 The Modern World - The Rise and Fall of British Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 201 - The Cultural Contexts of Crime
- History 211 - Medieval Europe - Living and Dying and Remembering
- History 212 - History of the First Industrial Revolution - The British Experience
- History 213 - South Africa - The Politics of Memory
- History 214 - Research Methods for Historians
- History 215 - History of the Middle East in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 216 - The Making of Modern India - Historical Narratives of Indian Nationalism
- History 217 - Australian History - The Twentieth Century
- History 218 - Western Australian History since 1829
- History 219 - Australian Colonial History 1788-1900
- History 220 - Social and Cultural History of the Working Class in Australia Since World War II
- History 222 - Modern History of the Scientific Ideal of Interpretation
- History 223 - An Introduction to the Philosophy of History - From Herodotus to Foucault
- History 230 - Witches, Sangomas and Heretics - Demonization in Theory and Practice
- History 231 - The History of Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 235 - Histories of the Future - Utopias, Millennarianism, Technology and Science Fiction
- History 240 - The Development of Japanese Feudal Society, 11th-19th Centuries
- History 241 - History of Japanese Modernisation Since 1868
- History 262 - The History of South Asia 1500 BC-1700 AD
- History 291 - Special Topics
- History 292 - Special Topics
- History 301 - The Cultural Contexts of Crime
- History 311 - Medieval Europe - Living and Dying and Remembering
- History 312 - History of the First Industrial Revolution - The British Experience
- History 313 - South Africa - The Politics of Memory
- History 314 - Research Methods for Historians
- History 315 - History of the Middle East in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 316 - The Making of Modern India - Historical Narratives of Indian Nationalism
- History 317 - Australian History - The Twentieth Century
- History 318 - Western Australian History since 1829
- History 319 - Australian Colonial History 1788-1900
- History 320 - Social and Cultural History of the Working Class in Australia Since World War II
- History 322 - Modern History of the Scientific Ideal of Interpretation
- History 323 - An Introduction to the Philosophy of History - From Herodotus to Foucault
- History 330 - Witches, Sangomas and Heretics - Demonization in Theory and Practice
- History 331 - The History of Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History 335 - Histories of the Future - Utopias, Millennarianism, Technology and Science Fiction
- History 340 - The Development of Japanese Feudal Society, 11th-19th Centuries
- History 341 - History of Japanese Modernisation Since 1868
- History 362 - The History of South Asia 1500 BC-1700 AD
- History 391 - Special Topics
- History 392 - Special Topics
- History of Economic Thought 302
- Honours Design Project 492
- Honours Design Project Development 491
- Honours Design Project Report 492
- Horticultural Extension and Consulting 402
- Horticultural Honours Project 401
- Horticultural Honours Project 402
- Horticultural Plant and Soil Systems 102
- Horticultural Plant and Soil Systems 502
- Horticultural Production Systems 101
- Horticultural Production Systems 501
- Horticultural Project 401
- Horticultural Project 402
- Horticulture Plant and Soil Resources 101
- Horticulture Plant and Soil Resources 501
- Horticulture Practice 300
- Hospitality Industry Management 200
- Hospitality Industry Management 575
- How Cells Work 102
- Human Behaviour and Development 501
- Human Behaviour and Development 502
- Human Biology 063
- Human Biology 064
- Human Biology 131
- Human Biology 132
- Human Biology 133
- Human Biology 134
- Human Biology 135
- Human Biology 136
- Human Biology 137
- Human Biology 138
- Human Biology 139
- Human Biology Honours Dissertation 499
- Human Communication Science 170
- Human Communication Science 171 : Introduction to Human Communication Science
- Human Communication Science 172 - Language development
- Human Communication Science 272
- Human Communication Science 371
- Human Communication Science 570
- Human Communication Science 572
- Human Communication Science 670
- Human Communication Science Honours 500
- Human Development 332
- Human Environment 501
- Human Evolution 305
- Human Evolution 331
- Human Evolution 332
- Human Factors 292
- Human Factors in Information Technology (Murdoch)
- Human Movement and Health 301
- Human Resource Development (Project) 570
- Human Resource Development (Project/Practicum) 308
- Human Resource Development (Technologies of Adult Learning) 300
- Human Resource Development (Work Redesign) 560
- Human Resource Management (Compensation Management) 561
- Human Resource Management (Compensation) 301
- Human Resource Management (Evaluation of Programs) 308
- Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 304
- Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 564
- Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 564
- Human Resource Management (International) 303
- Human Resource Management (International) 650
- Human Resource Management (Introduction) 200
- Human Resource Management (Overview) 560
- Human Resource Management (Performance Management) 202
- Human Resource Management (Recruitment and Selection) 563
- Human Resource Management (Selecting and Promoting Staff) 211
- Human Resource Management (Strategy) 562
- Human Resource Management (Training and Development) 212
- Human Resource Management (Training and Development) 574
- Human Resource Management 401
- Human Resource Management 408
- Human Resource Management 494
- Human Resource Management 555
- Human Resource Strategies 660
- Human Rights Activism, Advocacy and Change 512
- Human Rights and Development 507
- Human Rights History Across Cultures and Religions 502
- Human Rights in Formal Education 505
- Human Rights Instruments and Institutions 506
- Human Rights Issues 509
- Human Rights Issues 510
- Human Rights Project 691
- Human Rights Project Preparation 601
- Human Rights Special Topic 511
- Human Rights Theory and Philosophy 501
- Human Rights, Civil Society and Governance 508
- Humanities 011
- Humanities 012
- Humanities Foundation 011
- Hydrocarbon Phase Behaviour 606
- Hydrocarbon Phase Behaviour 706
- Hydrocarbon Processing 611
- Hydrographic Surveying 481
- Hypertext 211
- Hypertext 212
- Hypertext 312
