Courses Handbook 2008
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Units by Title: H
Haematology 333
Haematology 231
Haematology 232
Haematology 331
Haematology 332
Haematology 334
Hardware Fundamentals 101
Hatchery Technology 502
Hazard Recognition and Risk Assessment 282
HCS - Clinical Science 371
HCS - Clinical Science 372
HCS - Introduction to Human Communication Science 171
HCS - Language Development 172
HCS - Professional Competencies 471
HCS - Professional Competencies 472
HCS - Professional Issues 372
HCS - Speech and Hearing Science 271
HCS - Speech and Hearing Science 272
Healing Art Processes 512
Health and Safety Economics and Management 582
Health and Safety Management 382
Health and Safety Technology 382
Health and Safety Technology in Mining 581
Health and Safety Technology in Mining 582
Health and Society 180
Health and Wellness 501
Health Assessment 261
Health Care Systems 385
Health Care Systems 681
Health Care Systems in Australia 201
Health Concepts in Family Care 315
Health Contract 590
Health Economics 584
Health in Ageing 223
Health in Ageing Nursing Practice 562
Health in Ageing Nursing Specialisation 562
Health Information Systems 283
Health Management of Aquatic Animals 202
Health Planning and Evaluation 582
Health Policy and Management 782
Health Practice Administration 383
Health Project 590
Health Project 691
Health Project 692
Health Project Preparation 591
Health Promotion - International Perspectives 682
Health Promotion 180
Health Promotion Methods 285
Health Promotion Methods 387
Health Promotion Methods 682
Health Promotion Methods 683
Health Promotion Planning 381
Health Promotion Planning 681
Health Promotion Planning 781
Health Promotion Professional Practice 686
Health Promotion Strategies and Methods 789
Health Promotion, Media and Advocacy 382
Health Promotion, Media and Advocacy 680
Health Record Systems 180
Health Record Systems 181
Health Record Systems 182
Health Record Systems 281
Health Record Systems 282
Health Record Systems 381
Health Record Systems 382
Health Research Methods 681
Health Research Methods 781
Health Science Communication 180
Health Science Honours Dissertation 499
Health Sciences - Study Abroad Special Topic 301
Health Sciences - Study Abroad Special Topic 302
Health Sciences - Study Abroad Special Topic 600
Health Sciences - Study Abroad Special Topic 601
Health Sciences - Study Abroad Special Topic 602
Health Sciences Honours Dissertation 498
Health Services Bioethics 684
Health Services Financial Management 585
Health Services Management 584
Health Services Quality Development 583
Health, Nutrition and Child Protection in Early Childhood 101
Health, Stress and the Management Environment 682
Healthy Childbearing 122
Healthy Childbearing 212
Heat Transfer 431
Heritage Specialism 591
Heritage Specialism 592
Heritage Studies (Cultural Heritage Management) 511
Heritage Studies (Exhibition Development) 516
Heritage Studies (Local History) 512
Heritage Studies (Museology) 515
Heritage Studies (Placement) 518
Heritage Studies (Placement) 519
Heritage Studies (Protecting Heritage Places) 513
Heritage Studies (Visual Images) 517
Heritage Studies 113
Heritage Studies 114
Heritage Studies 213
Heritage Studies 214
Heritage Studies 216
Heritage Studies 313
Heritage Studies 314
Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation 492
Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation 494
Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation Preparation 491
Heritage Studies Honours Dissertation Preparation 493
Heritage Studies Honours Project 492
Heritage Studies Honours Project 494
Heritage Studies Honours Project Preparation 491
Heritage Studies Honours Project Preparation 493
Histology 231
Histology 232
Histology Theory and Applications 201
Histopathology 231
Histopathology 232
History 111 - India in the 17th Century
History 112 - The British Empire in the Modern World
History 211 - Medieval Europe - Living, Dying and Remembering
History 215 - History of the Middle East in the 19th and 20th Centuries
History 216 - Modern India
History 217 - Twentieth Century Australia
History 218 - Western Australia from 1829
History 219 - Colonial Australia
History 220 - Comparative History of the Working Class in 20th Century Australia
History 231 - Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
History 241 - Japanese Modernisation since 1868
History 262 - South Asia 1500 BC-1700 AD
History 291 - Special Topics
History 292 - Special Topics
History 311 - Provocative Histories
History 312 - Interpreting Histories
History 395 - Special Topic
History 396 - Special Topics
History of Economic Thought 302
Holistic, Integrated and Inclusive Curriculum (Language and Literacy 0-8) 102
Holistic, Integrated and Inclusive Curriculum : Play Based 101
Honours Design Project 492
Honours Design Project Development 491
Honours Design Project Report 492
Horticultural Agronomy 101
Horticultural Agronomy 501
Horticultural Plants and Grapevine Physiology 102
Horticultural Production Systems 101
Horticultural Production Systems 501
Hospital Pharmacy Placement 427
Hospitality Industry Management 200
How Cells Work 102
HRMT8518 Human Resource Management (UWA)
Human Biology 063
Human Biology 064
Human Biology 130
Human Biology 131
Human Biology 134
Human Biology 137
Human Biology 138
Human Biology 139
Human Biology Honours Dissertation 499
Human Communication Science 272
Human Communication Science 371
Human Communication Science 572
Human Communication Science 671
Human Communication Science 672
Human Communication Science Honours 401
Human Communication Science Honours 402
Human Continence 650
Human Development 332
Human Evolution 305
Human Evolution 306
Human Evolution 331
Human Evolution 332
Human Factors in Information Technology (Murdoch)
Human Movement and Health 301
Human Resource Development (Work Redesign) 560
Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 304
Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 564
Human Resource Management (International) 303
Human Resource Management (International) 650
Human Resource Management (Introduction) 200
Human Resource Management (Learning and Development) 212
Human Resource Management (Learning and Development) 574
Human Resource Management (Overview) 560
Human Resource Management (Performance Management) 202
Human Resource Management (Remuneration Management) 561
Human Resource Management (Remuneration) 301
Human Resource Management (Selecting and Promoting Staff) 211
Human Resource Management (Staffing Organisations) 563
Human Resource Management (Strategy) 562
Human Resource Strategies 660
Human Rights Activism, Advocacy and Change 512
Human Rights and Development 507
Human Rights History Across Cultures and Religions 402
Human Rights History Across Cultures and Religions 502
Human Rights in Social Perspective 219
Human Rights Instruments and Institutions 506
Human Rights Issues 509
Human Rights Issues 510
Human Rights Project 691
Human Rights Project Preparation 601
Human Rights Theory and Philosophy 401
Human Rights Theory and Philosophy 501
Humanities 011
Humanities 012
Humanities Foundation 011
Hydrocarbon Phase Behaviour 606
Hydrocarbon Phase Behaviour 706
Hydrographic Surveying 481
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