Area: | Department of Education |
Credits: | 12.5 |
Contact Hours: | 1.5 |
Tutorial: | 1 x 1.5 Hours Weekly |
Syllabus: | Curriculum planning processes for short-term teacher planning. Tyler's four questions and design elements for lesson planning. Examining curriculum definitions including curriculum as intent, as outcome and as process. Western Australian Curriculum Framework documents, curriculum resources, syllabus, teacher's guides, learning area statements and outcomes, printed and multimedia resources for lesson planning. An introduction to implementation and curriculum change through the concepts of pre-active, interactive and post-active lesson planning. Selecting and organising student assessment, measuring student learning outcomes and teacher and lesson evaluation. |
Texts and references listed below are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Some units taught offshore are modified at selected locations. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information and approved offshore variations to unit information before finalising study and textbook purchases. |
Unit References: | Brady, L (1995). Curriculum Development (5th Edition). Prentice Hall, Australia. Brady, L and Kennedy, K (1998). Curriculum Processes. Prentice Hall. Australia. Hatton, E., (1998). Understanding Teaching (2nd Edition). Harcourt Brace. Sydney.Australia. WA curriculum documents including the WA Curriculum Frameworks (1998) WA Curriculum Council. |
Unit Assessment Breakdown: | Assignments, essays and tests. |
Field of Education: |  70300 Curriculum and Education Studies (Narrow Grouping) | HECS Band (if applicable): | 1   |
Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information: |  Not Categorised   | Result Type: |  Grade/Mark |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | Y | |
Area External | refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research. |
Central External | refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area |