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146504 v.2 Master of Human Resource Management



This course develops local and global managerial competencies in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides experience in human resource management and or industrial relations developing a strong professional specialisation in this field.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

A Postgraduate Diploma in Business (Human Resourse Management) with a course weighted average of 70 per cent, or an appropriate honours degree (first or upper second class).

Specific Requirements

Candidates without sufficient background may be required to complete one or more of the following foundation units before commencing the first stage - Communication in Organisations 560, Industrial Relations (Negotiation and Advocacy) 561, Human ResourceManagement (Overview) 560, Industrial Relations (Australian) 560.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.

Duration and Availability

This fee paying course is available full-time, part-time (including evening) and offshore. The length of time taken to complete the course will depend on previous qualifications and experience. It will run throughout the full calendar year with a view to full-time students completing the course in 15 months. Depending on their previous field of study students may be required to complete one or more foundation units before commencing the first stage.

Intermediate Awards

A student who has successfully completed all the requirements of the Graduate Diploma in Employee Relations may apply for graduation in that award subject to the approval of the Head of School. For further definition refer to the Statement and Awards section under General Information.

Course Organisation

In some instances, previous level of qualifications and experience may result in them having to only complete specific stages. Full-time students with appropriate qualifications and work experience could complete this course in two or three semesters.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure



Majors, Streams or Other Core Components

11347 v.4 # Human Resource Management (Training and Development) 574 3.0 25.0
12891 v.2 * Business Research Methods 600 3.0 25.0
304935 v.1 # Human Resource Management (Information Systems) 564 3.0 25.0
4689 v.7 * Human Resource Development (Work Redesign) 560 3.0 25.0
5470 v.7 # Law (Industrial) 572 3.5 25.0
5746 v.9 * Industrial Relations (Employee Equality) 563 3.0 25.0
5768 v.7 * Human Resource Management (Compensation Management) 561 3.0 25.0
5769 v.7 * Human Resource Management (Strategy) 562 3.0 25.0
5770 v.6 # Human Resource Management (Recruitment and Selection) 563 3.0 25.0
5771 v.8 * Human Resource Management (International) 650 3.0 25.0
      SELECT 2 OPTIONS   50.0
Optional Units (No Year Level Specified) Hrs/Wk Credits
5472 v.8   Cross Cultural Communication and Transitions 580 3.0 25.0
5745 v.6   Industrial Relations (Comparative) 562 3.0 25.0
5752 v.6   Law (Advanced Industrial) 573 3.0 25.0
5754 v.5   Facilitation and Group Process Skills 565 3.0 25.0
11763 v.2   Conflict Resolution Processes 601 3.0 25.0
# Stage 1 units.
* Stage 2 units (normally require completion of Stage 1).
NB Foundations units include - 11218 Communication in Organisations 560, 5744 Industrial Relations (Negotiation and Advocacy) 560, 4688 Human Resource Management (Overview) 560, 11217 Industrial Relations (Australian) 560.


2003Bentley CampusSemester 1YY
2003Bentley CampusSemester 2YY
2003S'pore HR InstituteTrimester 1AYY
2003S'pore HR InstituteTrimester 2AYY
2003S'pore HR InstituteTrimester 3AYY

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

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