Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

302418 (v.2) Genetics, Evolution and Society 203


Area:School of Biomedical Science
Contact Hours:10.0
Individual Study:2 x 10 Hours Daily
Equivalent(s):301429 (v.3) BIO24 Genetics, Evolution and Society or any previous version
11599 (v.2) Genetics 232 or any previous version
Prerequisite(s):    302414 (v.1) Structure and Function of the Body 106
    1643 (v.6) Human Biology 133
Examination of evolutionary processes, selection, mutation, migration and molecular aspects of evolution. Gene flow in populations and introductory population genetics. Applications of population and molecular genetics to human identification by DNA profiling, diagnosis and prevention of inherited disorders and effects of DNA technology on society.

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