303310 (v.1) CAS - Project Implementation Principles 221


Area:Centre for Aboriginal Studies
Contact Hours:30.0
Seminar:1 x 30 Hours Quarterly
Prerequisite(s):303307 (v.1) CAS - Project Planning Application 213 or any previous version
Co Requisite(s):303317 (v.1) CAS - Indigenous Ways of Working 225
Planning and implementing programs and projects to support the empowerment, development and self-determination of indigenous communities and groups. Topics include - principles of implementation, monitoring and reviewing. Design of accounting systems andfinancial documentation, cash books and interpreting periodical reports. Principles of human resource management. Principles of performance appraisal. Scheduling tasks. Relationships of community development method frameworks. Project review in the policy cycle.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusSemester 2Y  


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