Joint-Uni Courses - Collaborative Programs @ Curtin
Collaborative programs are specific courses jointly offered between Curtin and
other Tertiary Institutions (primarily other Western Australian public universities),
although in some instances, they may be offered between Curtin and a professional
body, for example, CPA Australia.
In most cases, a student nominates one enrolling institution, which admits them
and grants their award. Participating institutions provide additional units,
on a cross-institutional basis towards that award, with the logos of all
participating institutions normally appearing on the final award.
Collaborative Awards
Bachelor of Science(Geophysics), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) Double Degree
Offered between Curtin and UWA
Master of Business Administration - CPA Collaborative Program
Offered between Curtin and CPA Australia
Master of Medical Engineering
Offered between Curtin, ECU, Murdoch and UWA
Master of Natural Systems Engineering
Offered between Curtin, ECU, Murdoch and UWA
Master of Transport Studies
Offered between Curtin, ECU, Murdoch and UWA
Special Collaborative Arrangements
Cross Institutional Graduate Program in Strategy and Defence (ANU)
Optional Curtin units offered collaboratively within Graduate Studies in Strategy and Defence (offered by ANU)
Australian Defence and Strategic Planning 586
Key Security Challenges in Europe 572
Key Security Challenges in the Former Soviet Union 578
Key Security Challenges in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf 583
Strategic Geography 584
For further information refer to
Graduate Diploma in Strategic Affairs
Master of Arts (Strategic Studies)
Master of Strategic Affairs