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304423 (v.2) Journalism 512 - Radio News
Area: | Department of Media and Information |
Credits: | 25.0 |
Contact Hours: | 4.0 |
Workshop: | 1 x 4 Hours Weekly |
Syllabus: | Development of high-level competency in interviewing, digital editing, scripting, voice presentation and live studio production for radio news. |
Unit Outcomes: | On successful completion of this unit, students will have technical competence in the operation of a broadcast desk. High level of news writing skills. High level of skills in digital editing. Excellence in broadcast interviewing. An ability to work in ateam. |
Texts and references listed below are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Some units taught offshore are modified at selected locations. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information and approved offshore variations to unit information before finalising study and textbook purchases. |
Unit References: | Cunningham, C. and Turner, G., (1997) (ed) The Media in Australia: Industries, Texts, audiences. Sydney, Allen and Unwin. Adams, P. and Burton, L. . Talkback: Emperors of the air, Sydney, Allen and Unwin. Mickler, S. (1992). Gambling on the First Race. The Louis St John Johnson Memorial Trust Fund. Perth, Centre for Research in Culture and Communication, Murdoch University. Williams, R. (1996) Normal Service Won't Be Resumed. Sydney, Allen and Unwin. Schultz, J. (ed) (1994). Not Just Another Business: Journalists, Citizens and the Media. Sydney, Pluto Press. Ward, I. (1995) Politics of the Media. Melbourne, MacMillan Education. Dominick, Joseph, Sherman, Barry and Copeland, Graly. Broadcasting Cable and Beyond: An introduction to the modern electronic media. 3rd ed. Mc Graw Hill. Cultural Crossroads. (1998). Communications Law Centre. Mayeux, P.(1991). Broadcast News: Writing and reporting. Dubuque, Iowa: C. Brown Publishers. Mencher, M. (1989). Basic News Writing. 3rd edition. Dubuque, Iowa: C. Brown Publishers. |
Unit Texts: | Boyd, A. (1999). Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and TV News. 3rd ed. Oxford, Focal Press. Eldridge, J. (ED) (1993). Getting the Message: News, Truth and Power. London, Routedge. On the Record, Roger Martin Published by The Australian Journalist's Association 1996. For journalists who want to find information that exists on the public record. It is available from the Curtin Book Shop. |
Unit Assessment Breakdown: | Executive Participation 20%. Reporting 80%. This is by grade/mark assessment. |
Field of Education: |  100703 Journalism | HECS Band (if applicable): | 1   |
Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information: |  Not Online   | Result Type: |  Grade/Mark |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 1 | Y | | | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | | |
Area External | refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research. |
Central External | refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area |
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