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303209 (v.2) Cardiopulmonary Science 652
Area: | School of Physiotherapy |
Credits: | 12.5 |
Contact Hours: | 4.0 |
Lecture: | 1 x 2 Hours Weekly |
Practical: | 1 x 2 Hours Weekly |
Prerequisite(s): | 303186 (v.2) Physiotherapy Practice 551 or any previous version
303201 (v.2) Cardiopulmonary Science 651 or any previous version
Co Requisite(s): | 303211 (v.2) Physiotherapy Practice 652
Syllabus: | Further development of basic physiotherapy competencies in the management of selected cardiopulmonary problems. Problems covered are typically those associated with major surgery, critically ill patients and cardiac rehabilitation. Aspects of cardiopulmonary problems covered include - pathophysiology, assessment, management. |
Unit Outcomes: | On successful completion of this unit, students will have - Developed the skills to identify the following problems relevant to the cardiopulmonary physiotherapist for patients undergoing major invasive surgery, who are critically ill and who are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. Discussed the physiotherapy and medical management of each problem and selected appropriate outcome measures to evaluate physiotherapy intervention. |
Texts and references listed below are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Some units taught offshore are modified at selected locations. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information and approved offshore variations to unit information before finalising study and textbook purchases. |
Unit References: | Forrest A.P.M., Carter D.C. and Macload I.B., (eds), (1995), Principles and Practice of Surgery, 3rd ed., Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone. Cheitlin M.D., Sokolow M and McIIroy M.B., (1993), Clinical Cardiology, 6th ed., Conneticut, Appleton and Lange. Frowfelter D and Dean E, (eds), (1996), Principles and Practice of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy, St Louis, Mosby. Hough A, (1996), Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care - A problem solving approach, 2nd ed., London, Chapman and Hall. Oh T.E. (ed), (1997),Intensive Care Manual, 4th ed., Sydney, Butterworths. Prasad S.A. and Hussey J, (eds), (1995), Paediatric Respiratory Care, London, Chapman and Hall. Brannon F.J., Geyer M.J. and Foly M.W., (1993), Cardiac Rehabilitation - Basic theory and application, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, F.A. Davis. American College of Sports Medicine, (1993) ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger. |
Unit Texts: | Pryor J.A. and Webber B.A., (eds), (1998), Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems, 2nd ed., Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone. |
Unit Assessment Breakdown: | Practical examination 40%. Written examination 60%. This is by grade/mark assessment. |
Field of Education: |  61701 Physiotherapy | HECS Band (if applicable): | 2   |
Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information: |  Informational   | Result Type: |  Grade/Mark |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | | |
Area External | refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research. |
Central External | refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area |
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