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302953 (v.1) Computer Communications 651



Department of Computing



Contact Hours:



1 x 2 Hours Weekly


1 x 1 Hours Weekly


TCP/IP - IP Layer, Packet analyser, IP Support, ARP/IP packet specs, Addresses, Interpret Dumps, Routing, Unix Commands, Routing table, TCP and NDP, Routing protocol, TLS, RIP Dump. SNMP - Management, Tracing a FTP Session, MIB, TLS, Protocols.

Unit Outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit students will gain knowledge on specific computer network protocols and will learn how to use this knowledge in managing networks. The student will receive a practical understanding of TCP/IP PDUs in order to understand protocol analyzer dumps and network configuration and SNMPs (both the MIB and the PDUs) and network management tools.

Texts and references listed below are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Some units taught offshore are modified at selected locations. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information and approved offshore variations to unit information before finalising study and textbook purchases.

Unit References:

Comer, D. & Stevens, D. L., 1991, 'Internetworking with TCP/IP - Volume 2, Design, Implementation and Internals', Prentice Hall. Stallings, W., 1996, 'SNMP, SNMPV2 and RMON - Practical Network Management', 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley. Perkins, D. T., 1999, 'RMON - Remote Monitoring of SNMP - Managed LANS', Prentice Hall. Sloman, M., 1994, 'Network and Distributed Systems Management', Addison Wesley. Nemeth, E. et al, 2001, 'UNIX Systems Administration Handbook', 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall. Ballew, S. M.,1997, 'Managing IP Networks', O'Reiley. Stevens, W. R., 1998, 'UNIX Network Programming', Prentice Hall. Comer, D. & Stevens, D. L., 1996, 'Internetworking with TCP/IP - Volume 3, 'Client Server Programming and Applications', 2nd Edition', Prentice Hall.Rescorla, E., 2001, 'SSL and TLS - Designing and Building Secure Systems', Addison-Wesley. Thomas, S., 2000, 'SSL and TLS Essentials - Securing the Web', Wiley.

Unit Texts:

Comer, D., 2000, 'Internetworking with TCP/IP - Volume 1, Principles, Protocols and Architecture', 4th Edition, Prentice Hall.

Unit Assessment Breakdown:

Assignment One 15%. Assignment Two 15%. Final Examination 70%.

Field of Education:

 20100 Computer Science (Narrow Grouping)

HECS Band (if applicable):


Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information:


Result Type:



Availability Information has not been provided by the respective School or Area. Prospective students should contact the School or Area listed above for further information.

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