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10237 (v.3) WASM Economic Geology 512



WASM Mining Geology Teaching Area



Contact Hours:



1 x 3 Hours Weekly


1 x 2 Hours Weekly


10229 (v.3) WASM Economic Geology 511 or any previous version


Recognition and significance of wallrock alteration. Ore deposits suites and genetic models for uranium, porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, epithermal Au-Ag deposits, volcanic-hosted Cu-Zn-Pb deposits and orogenic Au deposits. Deformation of sulphides. Metallogenyand plate tectonics. Geology and evaluation of coal and oil shale. Introductory petroleum geology. Exploration for fossil fuels.

Unit Outcomes:

On successful completion of this unit, students will have the ability to recognise wallrock alteration associated with a variety of hydrothermal ore deposits and studied formation and exploitation of fossil fuel deposits.

Texts and references listed below are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Some units taught offshore are modified at selected locations. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information and approved offshore variations to unit information before finalising study and textbook purchases.

Unit References:

Berkman, D.A. and Mackenzie, D.H. (1998). Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinea Mineral Deposits. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph 22. Harben, P. (1990). Industrial Minerals: Geology and World Deposits. Hughes, F.E. ed. (1990). Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea (2 volumes). Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph 14. Hutchinson, R.W. and Grauch, R.I. (1991). Historical Perspectives of Genetic concepts and Case Histories of Famours Discoveries. Economic Geology Monograph 8. Kirkham, R.V., Sinclair, W.D., Thorpe, R.I., Duke, J.M. (1993). Mineral Deposit Modelling. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 40. Knight, C.L. (1975) ed. Economic Geology of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Volume 1, Metals. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Roberts, R.G. and Sheahan, P.A. (1988). Ore Deposit Models, Volume 1. Geological Association of Canada. Sheahan, P.A. and Cherry, M.E. (1993). Ore Deposit Models, Volume 2. Geological Association of Canada. Skinner, B.J. (1981). Economic Geology 75th Anniversary Volume. Economic Geology Publishing Company.

Unit Texts:

Evans, A.M. (1993). Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals: An Introduction 3rd ed. Blackwell Scientific Publications. CD ROM from the Learning Curvge Explore Series, Mapping Alteration. Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A. (1992). Mineral Deposit Models. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1693. Craig, J.R. and Vaughan, D.J. (1981). Ore Microscopy and Ore Petrography. John Wiley and Sons.

Unit Assessment Breakdown:

Module A (Hydrothermal mineral deposits) 60%, Module B (Fossil fuels) 40%. This is by grade/mark assessment.

Field of Education:

 10700 Earth Sciences (Narrow Grouping)

HECS Band (if applicable):


Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information:


Result Type:



YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Kalgoorlie CampusSemester 2Y  

refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research.
refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area

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