Units by Title
3 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
- Object Oriented Program Design
- Object Oriented Software Engineering
- Object-Oriented Development
- Observational Techniques in Astronomy
- Obstetric Sonography
- Occupational Diseases
- Occupational Health and Safety in Mining
- Occupational Health and Safety Law
- Occupational Health and Safety Practicum Project
- Occupational Hygiene
- Occupational Hygiene and Chemical Safety
- Occupational Medicine Clinical Practice
- Occupational Medicine Worksite Practice
- Occupational Therapy Principles and Practice
- Oenology 1
- Oenology 2
- Offshore Geomechanics and Hydrodynamics
- Offshore Processing and System Operations
- Offshore Structures
- Oil and Gas Contract (Robert Gordon University)
- Oil and Gas Management (Robert Gordon University)
- Oil and Gas Processing Laboratory
- Oilfield Processing
- Oncology
- Online Journalism
- Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Project
- Operating Systems
- Operations and Materials Management
- Operations Management
- Operations Research
- Oral Bioscience 1
- Oral Bioscience 2
- Oral Health Education and Promotion
- Oral Health Therapy Clinical Practice 1
- Oral Health Therapy Clinical Practice 2
- Oral Health Therapy Clinical Practice 3
- Oral Pathology and Medicine
- Ore Deposits
- Ore Deposits
- Organisation of Health Care Systems
- Organisational Behaviour
- Organisational Behaviour for Managers
- Organisational Change and Development
- Organisational Strategies for Sustainability
- Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Science
- Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Science Fundamentals
- Orthoses and Rehabilitation Science
- Orthoses and Upper Limb Rehabilitation
- Overview of Strategic Procurement
The Courses Handbook is the repository of Curtin University ("Curtin") course information. While Curtin makes all reasonable endeavours to keep this handbook up to date, information on this website is subject to change from time to time. Curtin reserves the right to change the: course structure and contents, student assessment, tuition fees and to: withdraw any course or its components which it offers, impose limitations on enrolment in any unit or program, and/or vary arrangements for any course without notification via the website.
For course and enrolment information please visit our Future Students website.