Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

10255 (v.3) WASM Economic Geology 312


Area:WASM Mining Geology Teaching Area
Contact Hours:5.0
Lecture:1 x 3 Hours Weekly
Practical:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Prerequisite(s):10251 (v.4) WASM Economic Geology 311 or any previous version
Recognition and significance of wallrock alteration. Ore deposits suites and genetic models for porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, epithermal Au-Ag deposits, volcanic hosted Cu-Zn-Pb deposits and orogneic Au deposits. Deformation of sulphides. Metallogeny and plate tectonics. Geology and evaluation of coal and oil shale. Introductory petroleum geology. Exploration for fossil fuels.



Curtin University of Technology

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