12727 (v.3) Local Planning 211


Area:Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Contact Hours:3.0
Lecture:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Seminar:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Anti Requisite(s):307755 (v.1) Integrated Plan Making 514
Prerequisite(s):12755 (v.3) Governance 111
307895 (v.1) Introduction to Planning 111
307900 (v.1) Introduction to Planning Law 112
Introduce substantive and procedural principles of strategic and statutory land use planning and development assessment for local authorities in Western Australia. Develop an understanding of the content and implementation of Local Planning Strategies,Structure Plans and Town Planning Schemes in Western Australia (what are they, how do they work, examples of their application and implementation). Compare the Western Australian approach to interstate and international approaches to local planning.


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