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Curtin University
Courses Handbook 2011

This handbook contains information for courses and units at Curtin in 2011.
Information for current year courses and units is available at Courses Handbook 2010.

311303 (v.1) Transitional Nursing Practice 564


Tutition Patterns

The tuition pattern below provides details of the types of classes and their duration. This is to be used as a guide only. For more precise information please check your unit outline.

Unit references, texts and outcomes

To ensure that the most up-to-date information about unit references, texts and outcomes appears, they will be provided in your unit outline prior to commencement.

Area: School of Nursing and Midwifery
Credits: 50.0
Contact Hours: 1.0
Lecture: 1 x 1 Hours Once-only
Tutorial: 1 x 1.5 Hours Fortnightly
Clinical Practice: 1 x 320 Hours Once-only
Prerequisite(s):     13152 (v.3) Health Research Methods 681 or any previous version
    4712 (v.3) Qualitative Methods in Health Research 582 or any previous version
    311300 (v.1) Nursing Practice 563 or any previous version
    Admission into 311232 (v.1) Master of Nursing Practice
Co Requisite(s): 311225 (v.1) Clinical Leadership 561 or any previous version
Syllabus: In collaboration with industry and the School of Nursing and Midwifery, develop and evaluate learning objectives relevant to a clinical setting including theory, nursing care and research relevant to placement. Self and work load management. Clinical skills relating to nursing of the acutely ill adult. Working with multi-disciplinary teams. Parameters of professional safe practice. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council competencies for registration. Role limitations as a beginning practitioner.
Field of Education: 060300 Nursing (Narrow Grouping)
SOLT (Online) Definitions*: Not Categorised
*Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information
Result Type: Pass/Fail


Availability Information has not been provided by the respective School or Area. Prospective students should contact the School or Area listed above for further information.