309080 v.1 Graduate Diploma in CoachingGradDipCoaching(Curtin) This course is pending registration for International Onshore Students on Student Visas. Please contact the Curtin International Office to determine availability for International students. IntroductionThis course is subject to final University approval (by February 2005). For further information contact the Division of Health Sciences. Designed for those seeking the skills to conduct coaching and/or mentoring in the workplace or with individuals at a personal level. Coaching assists people to set goals and to achieve them and this course provides the theory and skills to assist with this process. It encourages professional and personal development and the acquisition of skills that are relevant to thepractice of coaching and mentoring. Course Entry Requirements/PrerequisitesAdmission to this award program will typically require the satisfactory completion of a degree or a diploma course or its equivalent. An interview will be conducted and referee reports required. Recognition of Prior LearningApplications for recognition of prior learning are encouraged from applicants and are assessed on an individual basis. Duration and AvailabilityThe course is one year full-time or equivalent part-time study. Units are mixed mode delivery and include blocks and external studies. Course OrganisationA combination of coursework and practicum units. Some units are delivered by distance, some in blocks and others on a weekly basis. Consult the Course Co-ordinator to determine a sequence of study appropriate to their needs. Career OpportunitiesIt is expected that graduates will already be employed and will use the skills acquired in their current profession, however some graduates may set up their own consultancy as life and/or executive coaches. Additional Course ExpensesStudents may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials.
AvailabilityAvailability Information has not been provided by the respective School or Area. Prospective/current students should contact the School or Area listed above for further information.