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197403 v.2 Master of Rural Technology


Course CRICOS Code: 020885C
Registered Duration for International Onshore Students on student visas: 2 Years


This research course provides opportunities to develop special interests in selected areas of rural or agricultural technology by means of a research dissertation. Students are required to conduct an applied research project in the area of agricultural or rural technology. This includes presentation of a research proposal, collection and analysis of data and its presentation in the form of a dissertation.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

Completion of a relevant postgraduate diploma or equivalent, to a satisfactory standard. Alternatively, admission may be gained by the possession of an honours degree from an approved institution. In the second case, students may be expected to complete appropriate bridging units in areas relevant to the research topic. In both cases, the student will need to demonstrate a high academic performance and a background in research methodology. When the latter is not met, the student will be required to complete an appropriate research methodology unit.

Duration and Availability

This minimum course duration is one full year or equivalent part-time study. The maximum duration is two years full-time or equivalent part-time study.

Course Organisation

This course is studied as a research degree. The content of the degree should be determined in consultation with the Postgraduate Coordinator, Muresk Institute. Students without prior studies in research methods and statistical data analysis will be required to undertake relevant preparatory units. This will increase the stated course duration.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials.

Special Note

Areas of research will reflect research interests of the supervising staff and may include - animal production, animal science, aquatic science, ecotoxicology, wool science and technology, crop production, crop science, soil science, weed science, horticultural production, amenity horticulture, landcare, agriculture production systems and agroforestry.

Course Structure



Majors, Streams or Other Core Components

99022 v.2   Masters Thesis - Agribusiness


Year Location   All* Internal Partially Online Internal^ External Fully Online#
2005 Bentley Campus Research Term 1 Y        
2005 Bentley Campus Research Term 2 Y        
2005 Northam Campus Research Term 1 Y        
2005 Northam Campus Research Term 2 Y        

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

*The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.

^Course and associated units are offered in this mode permitting International Onshore student enrolment.

#Course and associated units are offered in this online only mode and DO NOT permit International Onshore student enrolment.

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