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 Unit List

7937 (v.5) Politics 219 - Liberals and Conservatives - from Hobbes and Burke to the Present


Area:School of Social Sciences
Contact Hours:3.0
Lecture:1 x 3 Hours Weekly
Anti Requisite(s):9828 (v.5) Politics 319 - Liberals and Conservatives - from Hobbes and Burke to the Present
Prerequisite(s):2722 (v.4) Politics 111 - Australia's Government and Constitution - Workings of a Liberal Democracy or any previous version
2723 (v.4) Politics 112 - Australia - Political Ideas and Traditions, World Politics - Comparing Experiences or any previous version
The origins and development of liberalism. Through an examination of particular political theorists and their writings, the principle elements of liberal political thought are examined. The theorists studied include - Aristotle, Plato, N Machiavelli, T Hobbes, J Locke, J J Rouseau, J Bentham, E Burke, G F Hegel, J S Mill, K Marx, F Engels, M Weber, V I Lenin, A Gramsci, R Dahl and F A von Hayek.



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