Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

6901 (v.4) Medical Science 132


Area:School of Biomedical Science
Contact Hours:5.0
Lecture:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Practical:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Anti Requisite(s):303034 (v.2) Human Biology 132
6934 (v.4) Human Biology 136
1644 (v.7) Human Biology 134
Prerequisite(s):6900 (v.4) Medical Science 131
Available only to Medical Imaging students. Basic cell physiology, anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, including capillary exchange and lymphatic flow. The respiratory system, mechanics of ventilation, gas exchange and the control of respiration. Motor and sensory pathways. Basics of the alimentary, genitourinary, and endocrine systems, are covered.



Curtin University of Technology

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