Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

6891 (v.6) Podiatric Practice 258


Area:Department of Podiatry
Contact Hours:8.0
Tutorial:2 x 1 Hours Weekly
Clinical Practice:2 x 3 Hours Weekly
Prerequisite(s):6890 (v.6) Podiatric Practice 257 or any previous version
8247 (v.8) Podiatric Orthopaedics 257 or any previous version
13129 (v.4) Podiatric Medicine 257 or any previous version
Co Requisite(s):8246 (v.8) Podiatric Medicine 258
8248 (v.8) Podiatric Orthopaedics 258
302524 (v.3) Podopaediatrics 258 or any previous version
Podology - Rearfoot Pathologies - heel spur syndrome, fasciitis, apophysitis, haglands deformity, tarsal tunnel syndrome, coalitions and accessory bones. Specific foot fractures, Jones fracture, posterior process fracture, Stress fractures. Clinical - supervised clinical practice. Assessment and examination techniques, therapeutic modalities, case management and clinical discussions. Supervised clinical practice. Interviewing, examination, diagnosis and treatment of common podiatric pathologies. Clinicaltutorials. Concept of total foot care. Relationship of structure and function to dysfunction.



Curtin University of Technology

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