Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

10147 (v.5) Clinical Medical Imaging Science 223


Area:Department of Medical Imaging Science
Contact Hours:9.0
Clinical Practice:1 x 1.5 Weeks Quarterly
Co Requisite(s):10145 (v.5) Medical Imaging Science 213
Other Requisite(s):Completion of first year of course: null
Application of imaging skills to various categories of patients. First clinical experience with radiography of the chest, abdomen, shoulder and pelvic girdles and the extremities. Familiarisation with clinical centre routine protocols and administrative procedures. Refinement of imaging skills developed in Medical Imaging Science 112. Development of imaging skills and application of geometric principles and axial relationships i n relation to radiography of the thoracic cage and spine. Handling of instrumentation.



Curtin University of Technology

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