Curtin University of Technology

Engineering & Science
Health Sciences
Resources & Environment
Vice Chancellory
Curtin Sarawak
 Unit List

301135 v.2 Graduate Certificate in Applied Bioinformatics

This course is designed to provide the necessary training for graduates in the biological field to gain an understanding of the elements of applied bioinformatics. The program includes aspects of computing, molecular databases, sequence alignments, molecular evolution and phylogegetic analysis, structure and function relationships for proteins and three dimensional modelling of protein molecules. A project in applied bioinformatics is also completed.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites
A bachelors degree in a relevant area.

Duration and Availability
This fee paying course is one semester full-time or equivalent part-time study.

Additional Course Expenses
Students are expected to have access to a computer. Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1    
301131 v.2   MT 550 Bioinformatics - Computing 3.0 25.0
301491 v.2   Computing Fundamentals 501 3.0 25.0
301132 v.2   MT 551- Applied Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Analysis 3.0 25.0
301133 v.2   MT 552 - Protein Structure and Modelling 3.0 25.0
301134 v.2   MT 553- Applied Bioinformatics Project 5.0 25.0



Curtin University of Technology

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