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6123 (v.4) Applied Statistics 501



Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Contact Hours:





3 x 1 Hours Weekly

Other Requisite(s):

Admission: upon prior completion of undergraduate units in statistics
Review exploratory data analysis - t-tests and non-parametric equivalents, power analysis. Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance - Review of one-way analysis of variance model, model diagnostics, multiple comparison techniques, principles of experimental designs, ANOVA for some standard experimental designs like randomized block design, latin square design, split plot and nested design, factorial method of experimentation and analysis, experiment with repeated measures and analysis of covariance. Examples of applications using SPSS. Multiple Linear Regression - Review of simple linear regression. The multiple linear regression model, parameter estimation and inferences about the regression parameters, F-testing overall model fit, variable selection and the stepwise algorithm for variable selection, model diagnostics, prediction. Examples of applications using SPSS. Multivariate Methods - Introduction, principal component analysis, clustering, discriminant analysis and MANOVA. Examples of applications using SPSS. Introduction to contingency tables and models for discrete.


YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  

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refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area

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