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307715 (v.1) Medical Imaging Science 611
Area: | Department of Medical Imaging Science |
Contact Hours: | 4.0 |
Credits: | 25.0 |
Lecture: | 1 x 4 Hours Weekly |
Other Requisite(s): | Admission: Into Master of Medical Imaging Science
Introduction to x-rays, medical images and their production. Factors affecting x-ray absorption. Exposure factors affecting the image. Density. Contrast. Fog. Scattered radiation and methods of limiting it. Image quality including unsharpness. Recordingthe image: films and screens. Latent image. Manual and automatic processing. The chemistry of developing and fixing. Sensitometry - speed, latitude and characteristic curves. Tomography. Theoretical and practical foundations of medical imaging science. Introduction to concepts of diagnostic radiography including instrumentation, technical factors, imaging accessories and film processing. Patient care. Positioning theory for the chest, abdomen, upper extremity and shoulder girdle. Positioning theory forlower extremity, vertebral column and thoracic cage. Integration and application of medical imaging science, instrumentation, and imaging principles with reference to imaging techniques. |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 1 | Y | | | 2004 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | | |
Area External | refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research. |
Central External | refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area |
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