304410 (v.2) Journalism 510 - Media Law
Area: | Department of Media and Information |
Contact Hours: | 3.0 |
Credits: | 25.0 |
Lecture: | 1 x 1 Hours Weekly |
Tutorial: | 1 x 2 Hours Weekly |
An analysis of Australian law governing publication, especially in the field of journalism. The law of defamation, confidentiality, privacy, freedom of information, censorship, contempt of court, court reporting, and copyright and an examination of printand broadcast regulatory institutions. Special attention will be paid to law reform issues. Completion of the unit will enable students to better explore the limits of free speech. |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2003 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | | | |
Current as of: October 30, 2003 13:11:55
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