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11985 (v.3) Medical Imaging Instrumentation 213

Area: Department of Medical Imaging Science
Credits: 12.5
Contact Hours: 3.0
** The tuition pattern below provides details of the types of classes and their duration. This is to be used as a guide only. For more precise information please check your unit outline. **
Lecture: 3 x 1 Hours Weekly
Co Requisite(s): 10145 (v.5) Medical Imaging Science 213 or any previous version
Other Requisite(s): Admission: upon completion of first year of program
Syllabus: Ultrasound - review of basic physics, transducers, beam formation and focussing. Basis of image formation, B and M mode instruments, Doppler ultrasound, duplex scanners, colour Doppler, image recording, 3D imaging, new developments. Artefacts, quality assurance. Nuclear medicine - review of radioactive decay and interaction of radiation with matter, production of radioisotopes, scintillation counters, energy windows. Anger gamma camera - method of operation, collimators, digital gamma cameras, functionalcalculations. Whole body imaging, single photon emission tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), performance measurements and quality control.
** To ensure that the most up-to-date information about unit references, texts and outcomes appears, they will be provided in your unit outline prior to commencement. **
Field of Education: 061501 Radiography
Funding Cluster: 06 - Computing, Built
SOLT (Online) Definitions*: Informational
*Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information
Result Type: Grade/Mark


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