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309524 v.1 Doctor of Philosophy - SarawakPhD(Curtin) IntroductionThe Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidate should uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative re-interpretation of known data and established ideas. The thesis research will be a program which is practically oriented and useful in developing an effective understanding, providing for the application of solutions to real world problems. Subject to and in accordance with Curtin's Higher Degree by Research Regulations for Doctoral Degrees, a Doctorof Philosophy (PhD) degree shall be awarded for a thesis as defined in regulations or a combination of a thesis and coursework in which the coursework component does not exceed one third of the total doctoral degree program. In all cases the thesis must, in the opinion of the examiners, be a substantial original contribution to the knowledge or understanding of any field of study and demonstrate the capacity of the candidate to conceive, design and carry to completion independent research. Duration and AvailabilityA candidate may enrol in a Doctor of Philosophy either full-time or part-time. Enrolment shall be continuous with the exception of periods of leave of absence as approved by the Divisional Graduate Studies Committee. The course duration is a minimum period of two years and a maximum of four years equivalent full-time study. The time limits shall be adjusted for approved periods of leave of absence. Registered full-time duration for international onshore students on student visas is four years. Additional Course ExpensesStudents may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. Further InformationFor doctoral studies visit http://postgrad.curtin.edu.au/research.html and for research graduate studies visit http://research.curtin.edu.au/graduate/index.html Specific Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) course codes and availability information can be obtained from Divisional Graduate Studies Officers (see http://research.curtin.edu.au/graduate/contacts.html) Special NoteCurtin's Higher Degree by Research Regulations for Doctoral Degrees will apply in respect of enrolment, candidacy, the thesis committee and the examination process. For further information please refer to the General Information section of the front of this handbook. A candidate shall comply with these regulations as from time to time amended or remade except that, where the University Graduate Studies Committee is of the opinion that any candidate has been or may be adversely affected by a change in theregulations since initial enrolment, the candidate may be permitted to continue under such regulation or regulations in force at any time during the period of candidature and on conditions the Committee may prescribe.
AvailabilityAvailability Information has not been provided by the respective School or Area. Prospective/current students should contact the School or Area listed above for further information.