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306360 v.1 Master of Community DevelopmentMComDev(Curtin) IntroductionCommunity practice is enacted within diverse settings, and reflects different approaches and expectations. This course prepares graduates from a variety of areas for community focused practice. Rather than promoting a particular approach, model or philosophy, it facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and practice skills, and prepares graduates for challenges of contemporary practice. Core units explore perceptions of community, the numerous roles involved in community practice, and expectations of 'community' in changing contexts. Key principles include human rights, participation, empowerment, and reflective practice, which are reframed through discussion of current initiatives and debates. The 'new communitarians' are explored, alongside related themes including globalisation, social entrepreneurship and community partnerships. Course Entry Requirements/PrerequisitesApplicants from allied disciplines other than social work require a degree or equivalent degree. Three-year degree holders with relevant work experience of not less than two years may apply to the Head of the School for determination of equivalence. Students should note that only students with a four year social work degree may be admitted to the similar Master of Social Work. Recognition of Prior LearningApplications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis. Duration and AvailabilityThis fee paying course is three semesters full-time or equivalent part-time study. Course OrganisationStudents in this course will have common core units and also the flexibility to undertake options in other streams towards the degree. The final semester requires students to complete a written research project or a supervised field project. Core units in social inquiry, professional evaluation and advanced reflective practice prepare students for undertaking a major project in the final semester. A flexible course structure enables students to focus on personal or employment priorities. Students choose a variety of options and electives, or may negotiate an independent study program. Additional Course ExpensesStudents may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.
The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once. *The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.