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184005 v.4 Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying and MappingPGradDipSurvMapp(Curtin) IntroductionThis course has been designed as the first stage in obtaining postgraduate specialist qualifications in surveying and mapping. It is also used as a qualifying course for entry into the Master of Science (Surveying and Mapping). Within this course, specialisations are provided to extend technological expertise into areas such as cartography, geodesy, satellite positioning, land information systems, land planning, photogrammetry and remote sensing and precise surveying. Course Entry Requirements/PrerequisitesStudents may be admitted to the postgraduate diploma course on completion of the Bachelor of Surveying or the Bachelor of Science (Cartography). Alternatively, admission may be considered after having completed an appropriate bachelors degree from another institution or with appropriate equivalent qualifications. In some cases, additional updating or conversion study may be required. Recognition of Prior LearningApplications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis. Duration and AvailabilityThe course is one year full-time study or equivalent part-time study. Course OrganisationA substantial proportion of the course comprises postgraduate units in surveying and mapping. The remainder varies according to the goals and background of the individual. Units are selected from areas of graduate technology, project work and professional practice, and management/education/social science/conversion units (students may vary the credit distribution with permission of the Department's Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies). Additional Course ExpensesStudents may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.
The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once. *The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.