5226 (v.5) Geography 316 - Environmental Gemorphology - Geomorphic Processes and Human Impacts in the Context of the River Catchment


Area:Department of Social Sciences
Contact Hours:5.5
Lecture:2 x 1 Hours Weekly
Other:1 x 1.5 Hours Weekly
Laboratory:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Anti Requisite(s):5221 (v.5) Geography 216 - Environmental Gemorphology - Geomorphic Processes and Human Impacts in the Context of the River Catchment
Syllabus:Geomorphology. Study of the drainage basin. Inter relationships between hillslope form, geomorphic processes and soil sequences. Lithology, structure and climate in determining drainage basin characteristics. Geomorphic agents of overland flow, throughflow, mass movement, wind and streamflow. Changes in geomorphic activity resulting from human activity. Factors and processes in soil formation. Methods of terrain classification and mapping, plus a major research paper.
Unit Outcomes: On completion of this unit students will have - Examined aspects of contemporary geomorphology and pedology. Developed skills in terrain evaluation using topographic, geologic and soils maps. Participated in fieldwork activates related to field mapping and surveying, landform, description of soil profiles. Developed practical skills in field observation relevant to landscape analysis and terrain evaluation. Developed and improved skills in report writing and note-taking. Demonstrated the intellectual level required of third year geography students by completing a major research essay on an approved topic.
Text and references listed above are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information.
Unit References: No prescribed references.
Unit Texts: Summerfield, M.A (1991) Global Geomorphology. Twidale, C.R and E.M Campbell (1993). Australian Landforms - Structure, Process and Time, Gleneagles Publ.
Unit Assessment Breakdown: Assignment 10%, Exam 30%, Major report 30%, Mid semester test 25%, Written weekly summaries 5%. This is a Grade/Mark assessment.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Bentley CampusSemester 1 YY


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