307712 (v.1) Comparative Imaging 633


Area:Department of Medical Imaging Science
Contact Hours:4.0
Lecture:1 x 4 Hours Weekly
Prerequisite(s):307711 (v.1) Imaging Anatomy 632 or any previous version
Syllabus:Optimizing diagnostic radiological studies and cost benefit considerations. Evaluation of the sensitivity, specifically of diagnostic problems and construction of decision trees. Analysis of the strengths, limitations and sequencing of diagnostic examinations in the investigation of disease processes and tumour staging.
Unit Outcomes: On completion of this unit, the student will be able to critically evaluate the most appropriate imaging procedures for a range of diseases.
Text and references listed above are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information.
Unit References: Whitehouse,G.H. and Worthington, B.S., (1996) Technqiues in Diagnostic Imaging. Oxford. Blackwell Science, 3rd ed.. Grossman, Z.D. et al, (1987) The Clinician's Guide to Diagnostic Imaging - Cost Effective Pathways. Boston. Raven Press, 2nd Edition. Dixon, D.L., and Dugdale, L.M., (1998) An Introduction to Clinical Imaging. New York. Churchill Livingstone. Sutton D., (1988) Radiology and Imaging for Medical Students. London. Churchill Livingstone, 5th Edition. Underwood, J.C. (1992) General and Systemic Pathology. London. Churchill Livingstone. Sheldon, H. (1992) Boyd's Introduction to the Study of Disease, 11th ed. Philadelphia., Lea and Febiger. Other radiology textbooks will prove useful, as well as recent articles from radiography and radiology journals.
Unit Texts: Lau, L.S., (2000) Imaging Guidelines. Melbourne. Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation Inc, 4th ed.
Unit Assessment Breakdown: Assignment 20%, Final Examination 50%, Presentation 30%. A 40% pass is required in each component and a 50% pass overall.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  
2004Bentley CampusSemester 2Y  


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