303064 (v.2) Health Promotion Strategies and Methods 789


Area:School of Public Health
Contact Hours:4.0
Lecture:1 x 4 Hours Weekly
Syllabus:Introduction to the development and application of health promotion theory and practice. Definitions of health promotion, applying models of health behaviour. Overview critical analysis of the efficacy of health promotion strategies and methods. Evaluation and selection of health promotion methods for individual, group and community settings. Applying and integrating health education, learning styles, principles of learning, group formation, group facilitation, values, beliefs and attitude, identification, community development, environmental adaptations, negotiation and conflict resolution to health promotion.
Unit Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit students will be able to - Outline a range of health promotion strategies and methods. Demonstrate skills in the selection and application of strategies and methods for health promotion programs in a variety of settings. Develop and apply health promotion strategies, methods and activities appropriate for specific groups.
Text and references listed above are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information.
Unit References: Selection of required readings - Gori G., (2001), Individualized or Population Risks - What is the Argument? American Journal of Public Health. Howat P., Maycock B., Jackson L., Lower T., Cross D., Collins J. and van Asselt K., (2000), Development of Competency Based University Health Promotion Courses. International Journal of Health Promotion, VII, 33-38. Macdonald G., (2000), A New Evidence Framework for Health Promotion Practice, Health Education Journal 59, 3-11. Marmot M. and Wilkinson R., (1999), Social Determinants of Health, Oxford University Press. Maycock B., Howat P. and Slevin T., (2001), A Decision Making Model for Health Promotion Advocacy - The Case for Advocacy of Drunk Driving Measures. IUHPE Promotion and Education. Vol VIII/2. Rockhill B., (2001), The Privatization of Risk, American Journal of Public Health.
Unit Texts: Egger G., Spark R., Lawson J. and Donovan R., (1999), Health Promotion Strategies and Methods, Sydney, McGraw Hill Book Co.
Unit Assessment Breakdown: Assignments (2) 70%, Workbook 30%. Students must complete all assignments and the workbook to pass the unit. This is by grade/mark assessment.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2004Bentley CampusSemester 1  Y
2004Bentley CampusSemester 2  Y


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Current as of: February 2, 2004
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