13163 (v.2) Food Processing 681


Area:School of Public Health
Contact Hours:4.0
Lecture:1 x 3 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Syllabus:Unit operations in the food industry. Food preservation - heating, chilling, freezing, concentration, dehydration and freeze-drying, the use of salt, sugar, acid and other chemical preservatives. Ionising radiation and modified atmospheres to preserve foods. Effects of food preservation methods and storage of the quality, safety and nutrient content of foods. Principles of food packaging, packaging requirements for preserved foods.
Unit Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit students will be able to - Demonstrate a knowledge of the effects of food preservation methods on storage quality. Demonstrate knowledge of food processing from the farm to the plate. Describe the principles of food preservation techniques including thermal, non-thermal and novel methods. Understand the principles and current practices of processing. Demonstrate an ability to apply food science principles to control and assure the quality of food.
Text and references listed above are for your information only and current as of September 30, 2003. Please check with the unit coordinator for up-to-date information.
Unit References: Heldman D.R., (1997), Principles of Food Processing, NY, Chapman and Hall. Fast R.B. and Caldwell E.F., (1993), Breakfast Cerals and How The are Made, Minnesota, American Association of Cereal Chemists. Lewis M.J., (1996), Physical Properties of Foods and Food Processing Systems, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Limited. Jowitt R., (1984), Extrusion Cooking Technology, NY, London, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. Jackson A.T., (1990), Processing Engineering in Biotechnology, Buckingham, Open Press University. Frame N.D., (1994), The Technology of Extrusion Cooking, Glasgow, Blackie Academic and Professional. Ke Maguer M. and Jelen P., (1986), Food Engineering and Process Applications, London, Elservier Applied Science Publishers. Hayes G., (1987), FoodEngineering Data Handbook, Harlow, Longman Scientific and Technical. Brennan J.G., (1990), Food Engineering Operations, London, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. Barbosa-Canovas G.V. and Vega Mercado H., (1996), Dehydration of Foods, NY, Chapman Hall.
Unit Texts: No prescribed texts.


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