300540 v.2 Master of Public Health


This is a multidisciplinary health course designed for public health practitioners and others intending to develop skills and knowledge in public health. Applicants may select from a number of streams of study dependent upon their area of interest.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites
A bachelors degree plus a minimum two years of relevant post-bachelor degree work experience. Work experience is assessed on the basis of the following - level of seniority and responsibility, job description, work based referee report, publications or other written reports and short courses or conference attendance.

Duration and Availability
This fee paying course is of three semesters full-time duration or equivalent part-time. External study is also available. Some units are available via on-line learning.

Intermediate Awards
A student who has successfully completed all the requirements of thePostgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences, Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health or Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion may apply under exceptional circumstance provisions for graduation in that award subject to approval of the Head of School. For further definition refer to the Statement and Awards section under General Information.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1    
13152 v.2   Health Research Methods 681 4.0 25.0
13230 v.2   Foundations of Public Health 681 3.0 25.0
      SELECT 2 OPTIONS   50.0
Year 1 Semester 2    
301723 v.2 Environmental Health Stream 50.0
301724 v.2 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Stream 50.0
301725 v.2 Health Policy Planning, Evaluation and Economics Stream 50.0
301726 v.2 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Stream 50.0
301730 v.2 Occupational Health and Rehabilitation Stream 50.0
6103 v.7   Epidemiology and Biostatistics 582 4.0 25.0
      SELECT 1 OPTION   25.0
Year 2 Semester 1    
13151 v.3   Research Dissertation 600 16.0 50.0
13179 v.2 ** Research Project 650 8.0 50.0
13359 v.3   Research Dissertation 601 16.0 50.0
Optional Units (No Year Level Specified) Hrs/Wk Credits
4860 v.5 * Health Economics 584 4.0 25.0
6115 v.9 * Health Services Management 584 4.0 25.0
11938 v.3 * International Health 581 4.0 25.0
13154 v.2 * Health Care Systems 681 3.0 25.0
13157 v.2 * Health Promotion Planning 681
13162 v.2 * Public Health Nutrition 681 3.0 25.0
13173 v.2 * Principles of Health Behaviour 685 4.0 25.0
13180 v.2 * Environmental Health 612 4.0 25.0
# Optional stream/elective units selected or a unit from the Department of Public Health, The University of Western Australia.
* Optional Core Units
** Students selecting this project unit undertake an additional two optional units in place of the dissertation.



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