183505 v.2 Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmacy
This course provides advanced knowledge and skills in hospital pharmacy. Special emphasis is placed on the effective use of pharmaceutical literature. Other units enable the study of topics relevant to hospital and clinical pharmacy. The Pharmaceutical science stream enhances knowledge and practical skills in pharmaceutical sciences.
Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites
A recent degree in pharmacy or an equivalent pharmaceutical qualification. Prospective students without these prerequisites may be accepted after a program of guided reading has been undertaken.
Specific Requirements
Applicants for this course should refer to the Communicable Diseases and Criminal Record Screening/Clearance Section of this publication.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.
Duration and Availability
This fee paying course is of one year full-time duration or equivalent part-time. However, the majority of students take two to four years of part-time study to complete the course. Not all core and optional units are available each year. The range of options shown below are examples of those available. From time-to-time other units will be offered.
Course Organisation
Students undertaking part-time study should, when possible, study the pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutical formulation units either prior to or concurrent with clinical pharmacy.
Professional Recognition
Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Western Australia who successfully complete the course may apply for Fellowship of the Society. However, the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmacy does not qualify a person for registration as a pharmacist.
Additional Course Expenses
Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.
Course Structure |
Hrs/Wk |
Credit |
Year 1 |
304923 |
v.1 |
Pharmaceutical Science Stream |
200.0 |
OR |
304924 |
v.1 |
Hospital Pharmacy Stream |
200.0 |
200.0 |