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9782 (v.6) Geology 306 - Ore Deposits



Department of Applied Geology

Contact Hours:





3 x 1 Hours Weekly


2 x 1 Hours Weekly


11913 (v.2) Geology 214 - Geochemistry or any previous version
Principal types of ore deposits and ore forming processes. Ore mineralogy, stable isotopes, fluid inclusions and phase equilibria. Ore deposits associated with magmatic processes. Hydrothermal ore forming systems and wall rock alteration. Ore deposits insedimentary environments. Ores of metamorphic affiliation. Metallogenesis. Development of genetic and exploration models. Techniques in mineral exploration and mining geology. Industrial rocks and minerals. Reflected light ore microscopy - oxide and sulphide mineralogy and textures, ore associations and selected ore deposits.


YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusSemester 2Y  

- Area External refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research.
- Central External refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area.

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