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5839 (v.4) Geology 511-Petroleum Geology



Department of Applied Geology

Contact Hours:





2 x 1 Hours Weekly

Other Requisite(s):

Admission: upon completion of Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology or Geophysics)
Petroleum. Sedimentology - processes, stratigraphy, maturation, migration and distribution of hydrocarbons. Subsurface methods. Drilling, cores and sample logs. Electric logs. Surface methods. Geochemical and geophysical methods, gravity andmagnetics, reflection and refraction seismic. Data acquisition and its use to reconstruct the geological and palaeogeographical history of a basin. Prospect and field - regional reconstruction of basin history and identification of low risks areas, study of prospects.


YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  

- Area External refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research.
- Central External refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area.

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