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302204 (v.2) ChE 544 Chemviron Processes



Department of Chemical Engineering

Contact Hours:





3 x 1 Hours Weekly


3 x 1 Hours Weekly

Anti Requisite(s):

302155 (v.2) ChE 376 Chemviron Systems or any previous version
Dispersion in air system, Legislation. Equipment for treating gaseous wastes. Usage and protection of natural water systems. Water supply systems. Monitoring and modelling water-based dispersions. Wastewater treatment plants. Domestic sewage. Solid waste disposal and usage. Soil decontamination. Fuel and energy resources. Automobiles and other transportation systems. Chemical plant equipment - design and operation. Equipment design to minimize pollution effects. Major accident cleanup. Cleaner production strategies. Product life-cycle analysis. Risk analysis and safety. Economic evaluation of pollution prevention and cleanup.


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