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11388 (v.2) Leadership Development 510



Graduate School of Business

Contact Hours:





1 x 3 Hours Weekly
Introduces students to an exploration of leadership and management and the key issues and principles of leadership necessary for the current and future successful leader. Includes team adventures, outdoor activities, problem solving and project management skills. It aims to provide an understanding of the social, political, technical and international environment that will influence the leadership of organizations over the next 10 years.


YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Perth City CampusShort Period 5Y  
2003Perth City CampusTrimester 1Y  

- Area External refers to external course/units run by the School or Department, offered online or through Web CT, or offered by research.
- Central External refers to external course/units run through the Curtin Bentley-based Distance Education Area.

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