302780 (v.1) Civil Engineering 261


Area:Department of Civil Engineering
Contact Hours:5.0
Lecture:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Laboratory:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Prerequisite(s):302774 (v.1) Civil Engineering 164 or any previous version
Geomechanics - formation of soil and soil deposits, rocks as engineering materials, rock weathering and developing of soils, soil classification, compaction, field compaction, compaction of organic soil and waste materials, special compaction techniques. Civil Engineering and Society - further aspects of the role of Civil Engineering in society. Civil Engineering Analysis - Graphical methods in experimental civil engineering, including error analysis. Elementary forecasting methods based on time series. Solution of equations by matrix methods. Applications of Newton Raphson method and other iterative methods in the solution of civil engineering problems. Interpolating polynomials and numerical methods for solving earthquake engineering problems relating to solution of differential equations.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  
2003Miri Sarawak CampusSemester 2Y  


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