302003 (v.3) Media and Information 701 - DCA Professional Praxis I
Area: | Department of Media and Information |
Contact Hours: | 6.0 |
Credits: | 50.0 |
Individual Study: | 1 x 6 Hours Weekly |
Experience of formal and informal workplaces and activities within a general field of study through a planned program of visits, meetings, short projects, planning and strategy sessions. Might also involve some form of temporary work in an industry or professional setting, or some form of monitoring. Following the experience/s submission of a report analysing current industry, scholarly and professional trends as revealed through the program, along with the student's analysis of his or her potential relation to the profession. |
Year | Location | Period | Internal | Area External | Central External | 2003 | Bentley Campus | Semester 1 | Y | Y | | 2003 | Bentley Campus | Semester 2 | Y | Y | | |
Current as of: August 29, 2003 15:52:10
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