302009 v.4 Graduate Certificate in Cleaner Production


Cleaner Production is a rapidly growing, internationally recognised discipline, which enables businesses and other organisations to contribute to sustainable development. Its goal is to avoid generating waste in production and consumption systems while minimising the use of energy, materials, water and other natural resources. Cleaner Production improves the economic and environmental efficiency ('eco-efficiency') of production systems, thereby achieving reductions in production costs, energy consumption, pollution and health risks.This course will provide decision-makers in business, government and other organisations with insights and tools to enable them to contribute to the achievement of such outcomes. This introductory course is multidisciplinary and incorporates both theoretical and experiential approaches to Cleaner Production and related elements of the business agenda for sustainable development..

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites
A bachelor degree in an appropriate field such as engineering, physical science, business, environmental science or health science. At least three years relevant work experience. Prospective students only intending to undertake one unit or choosing to not be assessed may be admitted without the above entrance requirements at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.

Recognition of Prior Learning
Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.

Duration and Availability
This fee paying course is of one semester full-time duration or equivalent part-time.

Course Organisation
The program consists of four full coursework units. Each of the units are delivered using four contact periods (held on a monthly basis) for three hours in the evening - followed by distance learning. Two of the units run concurrently in each semester, while all units are also available for distance learning, so that the course can be completed in six months. Assignments will focus on applying the course content to real life industrial case studies. Students not intending to complete all four units may exit the program with a certificate of completion for units undertaken.

Additional Course Expenses
Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1    
13285 v.4 * Introduction to Cleaner Production 503 3.0 25.0
13289 v.5 * Cleaner Production Tools 503 3.0 25.0
Year 1 Semester 2    
13287 v.5 ** Industrial Ecology 503 3.0 25.0
13288 v.4 ** Industrial Environmental Economics 503 1.0 25.0
** In Semester 2 units are available both internally and externally, and Semester 1 available externally only.
* In Semester 1 units are available both internally and externally, and Semester 2 available externally only.

2003Bentley CampusSemester 1YY
2003Bentley CampusSemester 2YY

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations that students are eligible to be offe red and admitted to this course for the first time only.


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