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197107 v.8 Postgraduate Diploma in Communication and Cultural Studies



This course is designed for those with a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent in English, intending to complete further study in Australian and Intercultural Studies, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Performance Studies, Professional Writingand Presentation, Publishing Practice and Literary Studies. It is especially appropriate for those intending to complete a fourth year of largely creative and/or production work, or those intending to refresh and/or extend previous training. It is intended as an individualised course of study to meet professional needs. Students are expected to achieve a superior level of performance and production skills appropriate to fourth year standard, and academic skills at that same standard.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

An approved bachelors degree or equivalent in one or more of the School's area of study.

Duration and Availability

This fee paying course is of one year full-time duration or equivalent part-time. Unit availability specifically attempts to cater for those unable to study during the day or on a full-time basis. However, it should be noted that work in theatre, does require substantial attendance on campus, often in daytime.

Course Organisation

With the guidance of a staff member who will act as a supervisor, students construct a program that is all coursework, or a combination of coursework and project and/or production work, or (less usually) all project and/or production work.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other vital study materials. In addition, students may also need to contribute some of the cost of consumables, which varies depending on the area of study.

Course Structure



Majors, Streams or Other Core Components

297101 v.4 Australian and Intercultural Studies Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
297103 v.4 Creative Writing Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
297112 v.4 Cultural Studies Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
297120 v.5 Performance Studies Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
297124 v.4 Literary Studies Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
305955 v.2 Professional Writing and Presentation Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
305956 v.2 Publishing Practice Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0
305950 v.1 Gender Studies Major (Postgrad Dip) 200.0


2003Bentley CampusSemester 1Y 

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

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