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Curtin University
Courses Handbook 2012

This handbook contains information for courses and units at Curtin in 2012.
Information for current year courses and units is available at Courses Handbook 2011.

309992 v.2 Graduate Diploma in Marketing


Course CRICOS Code: 056849K
Registered full-time Duration for International Onshore Students on student visas: 1 Year


Designed for applicants wanting to gain a thorough understanding of the principles of marketing, marketing research, the motivations of customers and the application of strategic marketing tools. The course assists students to identify and analyse marketing management problems and foster skills in generating marketing strategies, to solve problems on a global scale.

Course Entry Requirements/Prerequisites

A recognised undergraduate degree or a Graduate Certificate in Marketing.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applications for recognition of prior learning are assessed on an individual basis.

Duration and Availability

This course is one year full-time or equivalent part-time study. Units will be available in both semester one and two each year.

Intermediate Awards 1

A student who has successfully completed the requirements of an approved intermediate award may apply for graduation in that award subject to approval of Head of School/Department. Fees apply. Intermediate award(s) approved for this course are:

Intermediate Awards

Graduate Certificate in Marketing.

Course Organisation

The Graduate Diploma in Marketing is a 200 credit point program. Students are able to enrol in 100 credits per semester.

Career Opportunities

This program is designed for those who are endeavouring to commence or further their career progression in one of the many marketing disciplines.

Additional Course Expenses

Students may be expected to purchase a number of textbooks, readers and other essential study materials.

Course Structure Disclaimer

Curtin University reserves the right to alter the internal composition of any course to ensure learning outcomes retain maximum relevance. Any changes to the internal composition of a course will protect the right of students to complete the course within the normal timeframe and will not result in additional cost to students through a requirement to undertake additional units.

Course Structure Hrs/Wk Credit
Year 1 Semester 1
314190 v.1   Marketing Management 510 3.0 25.0
5518 v.9   Marketing Intelligence and Research 540 3.0 25.0
5761 v.8   Buyer Behaviour and Analysis 520 3.0 25.0
5762 v.9   Global Marketing Communications 530 3.0 25.0
Year 1 Semester 2
5283 v.9   Advanced Marketing and Business Strategies 640 3.0 25.0
Optional Units to Select from in Year 1 Semester 2 Hrs/Wk Credit
12469 v.4   Marketing Negotiations 610 3.0 25.0
12471 v.4   Marketing of Services 560 3.0 25.0
12473 v.3   Tourism and Event Marketing 570 3.0 25.0
12474 v.4   International Marketing 580 3.0 25.0
12477 v.5   Public Relations Contemporary Practice 550 3.0 25.0
312406 v.1   Introduction to Research Methods 601 3.0 25.0
314221 v.1   Business to Business Marketing 620 3.0 25.0
5519 v.10   Digital and Interactive Marketing 630 3.0 25.0


Year Location Period All* Internal Partially Online Internal^ External Fully Online#
2012 Bentley Campus Semester 2   Y      
2012 Sydney Campus Semester 2 Y        
2012 Sydney Campus Summer Semester   Y      

The information displayed above refers to study periods and locations where the course is available for first time entry. Students are normally only offered or admitted to a course once.

* The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Prospective students should contact the Course Coordinator for further information.

^ Course and associated units are offered in this mode permitting International Onshore student enrolment.

# Course and associated units are offered in this online only mode and DO NOT permit International Onshore student enrolment.