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11371 (v.4) Measurement Science 101



Centre for Aboriginal Studies

Contact Hours:





1 x 1 Hours Weekly


1 x 2 Hours Weekly

Other Requisite(s):

Admission: to the Associate Degree in Science and Technology
Fundamentals - Sl quantities and units, derived units, the Scientific method, measurement of quantities, estimation of everyday quantities, uncertainties, presentation of data and graphs. Fluids - volume, density, pressure in fields and buoyancy. Technological applications, for example- hot air balloons, buoyancy devices, dams, water transfer, pumps, diving equipment. Materials - structure of matter, physical properties of matter, strengths of materials. Technological applications, for example - biophysical applications, bulding materials and structures, new materials. Mechanics - displacement, velocity, acceleration, equations of motion, force and vectors. Technological applications for example, bicycles, motor vehicles, lifts, pulley and gear system.


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