303170 (v.1) Pharmacotherapy 400


Area:School of Pharmacy
Contact Hours:3.0
Lecture:2 x 1 Hours Weekly
Tutorial:1 x 1 Hours Weekly
Paediatric diseases/disorders and specific modifications of therapy for paediatric patients. Pregnancy and the use of medications during pregnancy. Contraception and oral contraceptives. Hormone replacement therapy and osteoporosis. Sexually transmitted diseases and their management. HIV/AIDS. Thromboembolic disorders and their management. Drug therapy in the elderly. Renal failure and problems of urination. Dementia and its management. Disorders of the blood, including anaemias. Health and travel. Disorders of the pituitary, adrenal, parathyroid and thyroid glands and their management. Classification and general management of solid tumours (including breast, lung and prostate cancers) and haematological malignancies (leukemias and lymphomas). Anticancerand antineoplastic therapy and its place in therapy. Immuno-modulation. Clotting disorders and their management. Fertility and in vitro fertilisation. Psychosis and mood disorders. Nutritional disorders and their management including the use of artificial foods. Case studies to exemplify all principles discussed in the clinical pharmacy units.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusFull YearY  


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