302778 (v.1) Structural Materials 261


Area:Department of Civil Engineering
Contact Hours:4.0
Lecture:1 x 2 Hours Weekly
Laboratory:1 x 2 Hours Fortnightly
Prerequisite(s):302775 (v.1) Structural Engineering 162 or any previous version
Mechanics of solids - shear stresses in beams, torsion, combined bending and axial stresses, unsymmetrical beam bending, stress transformations, Mohr's circle, combined stresses. Materials - concrete, cements and aggregates, grading of aggregates, concrete quality control, strength, workability, mix design, placement and curing. Timber - structural properties of timber, defects and preservation, durability, grading. Steel - formation and properties of different types of steels, influence of different alloys.
YearLocationPeriodInternalArea ExternalCentral External
2003Bentley CampusSemester 1Y  
2003Miri Sarawak CampusSemester 2Y  


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