309529 (v.1) Psychology 704 - Individual Psychotherapy

Area: School of Psychology
Credits: 25.0
Contact Hours: 4.0
** The tuition pattern below provides details of the types of classes and their duration. This is to be used as a guide only. For more precise information please check your unit outline. **
Seminar: 1 x 4 Hours Weekly
Syllabus: This unit focuses on theoretical understanding and clinical skills at an advanced and applied level. It provides exposure to some of the major theoretical systems, including interpersonal process psychotherapy, existential therapy, cognitive behaviouraltherapies and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Each student will choose one system (or an integrated system) and under supervision, extensively develop his/her theoretical understanding and clinical skills by the end of the program. All students are expected to obtain competency in multimodal assessment and interpersonal process skills. The class work will involve role-playing and working with clients, video taping, viewing of films and tapes, and didactic input. Self disclosure is expected as a part of this course. This unit will be conducted in accordance with the APS 'Code of Professional Conduct'. This unit has been developed for students admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) or Doctor of Philosophy (Counselling Psychology).
** To ensure that the most up-to-date information about unit references, texts and outcomes appears, they will be provided in your unit outline prior to commencement. **
Field of Education: 090701 Psychology
Funding Cluster: 05 - Behavioural Science, Social Studies
SOLT (Online) Definitions*: Informational
*Extent to which this unit or thesis utilises online information
Result Type: Grade/Mark


Availability Information has not been provided by the respective School or Area. Prospective students should contact the School or Area listed above for further information.